Tuesday, February 10, 2009

25 Things I Know About God

This past weekend, the church I go to started a new series with Facebook as a talking point for the next few weeks. Facebook allows people to network, learn about each other, etc. More specifically for this series, Wes Hamilton, Teaching Pastor at Lake Pointe, posted a note on the Lake Pointe page asking members to finish this sentence "I have a friend who..." when it comes to common objections people have to Christianity.

During his sermon, he mentioned the "25 random things about me" going around on facebook. I got the idea to post 25 things I know about God. These all come from my own personal experience. If you'd like to join in on this, go for it. :) It can be very easy to think of these things as I hope you'll see from what I list. :) Below is what you can copy and paste into your own note:

If you've written "25 random things about me" and posted it on Facebook, I encourage you to also write "25 things I know about God" for all your Facebook friends to also read! Let's see how much we can get THIS to spread on Facebook! Besides, don't you think telling your friends some things you know about God are more important than the 25 random things about you? For me, they are.

25 things I know about God

1. God loves me so unconditionally I cannot even begin to fully comprehend it. But I know He does...I feel it deep in my soul and I have recognized His love for me in my life every single day. He loves me so much He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to die for my sins.

2. God is an awesome painter. He paints the skies each day and I do not know how one cannot believe in Him when watching a sunrise and sunset. (see picture below)

3. God knew me before I was even in my Mother's womb. He knows my past, present, and future.

4. God is a 'selfish' God that wants our love more than anything.

5. God is always there for me, whether I know it or not...whether I am sad, happy, angry, joyful, depressed. He IS always there. Always. God is with me at all times, and for that I am thankful.

6. God hears my prayers and while He already has an ultimate plan for everything, He wants to hear my prayers for a relationship with Him.

7. He is worthy to be praised. We shouldn't just go to Jesus with our praises and to God with our angers.

8. God forgives....everything.

9. I believe that God's middle name is Grace. ;)

10. God gives us little children to remind us of our child like faith...without so many complications in our adult minds.

11. He also gives us children to give us a taste of the love He has for US!!!! Think about how much love you have for your own child, niece, nephew, grandchild, etc...any child in your life. God loves us so much GREATER!!! Can you even imagine?!?!

12. "God is bigger than big and Satan is smaller than small." - Quoted by my niece Lilli

13. God is there for us through our lowest of lows...I cannot explain why bad things happen to good people, etc. but all I can do is know that He has a plan. That doesn't make life easy - we are human, we feel pain - and it's not always easy to remember that in our deepest valleys, but I do know that when I have come out of those valleys, He was with me the entire time.

14. God doesn't mind our questioning. If anything I believe He enjoys it, because it means we are searching for Him and hopefully will continue to grow in Him.

15. He is all I need.

16. God has spoken to me. I used to think people were crazy for saying that! But, I've heard him. VERY clearly. If you've never heard Him, you will...and you too will know it. I had to pay attention and soon realized He was speaking to me quite often, I just didn't realize it was Him.

17. We don't just abandoned the people close to us...we nurture those relationships and I have to do the same with God. He loves me the most in this world so it's important to me to spend time with Him every single day. I do that by spending time in prayer each day, reading my bible to learn more and more about God's love for me, doing my best to turn to Him when I'm having a bad day, knowing He is there every second of every day.

18. God knows I am human...i.e. NOT perfect. He knows I will sin and make mistakes. But He has always been there to help me get back up, wipe away my tears, and mend my frustration with NOT being perfect. ;)

19. I used to be angry with God. For various reasons. I had really deep pain when it came to God. If I treated a friend the way I treated God during that time, I would never hear from that friend again. (And I haven't)...but God is forgiving on levels I also will never be able to comprehend. And so He is here for me today. And I praise Him each day for that. Some days it brings me to tears.

20. I am WORTHY to God...and vice versa.

21. God knows my heart about judgement and how much I despise it...therefore never wishing to judge those who question Him. Cause I was that person at one time...

22. I know that the bible is THE self help book. It makes me sad how big that section is in bookstores...it also makes me sad that I used to spend hours in that section.

23. I know that God has a plan for ME and that I am to follow Him no matter what. It may be hard, it may be really tough, but He is right there with/for me.

24. God has a wonderful sense of humor. I don't always appreciate it right away, but I absolutely LOVE to laugh WITH God! It's one of the best feelings in the world!

25. God IS.

(God knows I didn't think I'd be able to put 25 things I know about Him into words... but that I want to write another 25! HA! :)

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